Oscar Hernandez

Based in the Mānoa valley of Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.


Below are most of the courses I have taken since high school.

Favorites ## Favorites Title | Instructor, Institution --- | --- NSF I-Corps Innovat'R Workshops | J. Gilbert, [UC Riverside OTP EPIC](https://www.ucreduotp.net/nsf-icorps-sfi) Category Theory Seminar, Combinatorial Theory, Network Theory Seminars | J. Baez, [UCR Department of Mathematics](http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/) Introduction To SWI-Prolog | A. Ogborn, [SWI-Prolog](https://edu.swi-prolog.org/ "SWI-Prolog Education") Data Science Career Path | [Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/paths/data-science "Codecademy")
MOOCs ## [Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/ "Coursera") Title | Instructor, Department, Institution --- | --- Bayesian Statistics | H. Lee, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, UC Santa Cruz Machine Learning | A. Ng, Coursera Data Engineering with GC Professional Certificate | Google Cloud How Google Does Machine Learning | Google Cloud IT Support Professional Certificate | Google Coursera Mentor Community and Training Course | Coursera Game Theory | M. O. Jackson, Economics, Stanford University Data Science Ethics | H. V. Jagadish, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan Philosophy, Science, and Religion: Science and Philosophy | A. Carter, The University of Edinburgh ## [Udacity](https://www.udacity.com/ "Udacity") Intel Edge AI Scholarship Foundation Course | M. Virgo Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship Foundation Challenge Course -- AI Track | L. Serrano Intro to Data Analysis and Programming Scholarship Challenge Course | C. Buckley Intro to the Design of Everyday Things; Product Design, Google | D. Norman; C. Saden Networking for Web Developers; Intro to DevOps, Nutanix | K. Krueger, K. Krueger Introduction to Operating Systems, Georgia Tech | A. Gavrilovska Programming Languages; Compilers, Georgia Tech | W. Weimer; C. Gamboa Introduction to Relational Databases; Database Systems Concepts & Design, Georgia Tech | K. Krueger; L. Mark C++ For Programmers; Object-Oriented JavaScript, Hack Reactor; JavaScript Design Patterns; Front End Frameworks; Google Maps APIs, Google | C. Gamboa; M. Wales; B. Jaffe; R. Kalehoff; E. Keller Linux Command Line Basics; Web Tooling & Automation, Google | P. Mallory; P. Bakaus Introduction to Psychology, San Jose State University | S. Snycerski Introduction to Descriptive Statistics | R. Rogers ## [edX](https://www.edx.org/ "edX") Title | Instructor, Institution --- | --- Paradox and Infinity | A. Rayo, Philosophy, MIT Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs; The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone | H. Abelson, MIT; D. Albonesi, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University Introduction to Engineering and Design; The Basics of Transport Phenomena | K. Haberstroh, Brown University; R. Mudde, Delft University of Technology ## [Udemy](https://www.udemy.com/ "Udemy") Title | Instructor --- | --- Blockchain Theory 101 | M. Swan Introduction to Financial Accounting | T. Vipond ## [Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/ "Khan Academy") Titles | Subject --- | --- Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Finance & Capital Markets | Economics & Finance Grammar, World History, US History, US Government and Politics | Arts & Humanities Computer Programming | Computing Chemistry, AP Physics 2, Cosmology & Astronomy | Science K-8th Grades Math | Math
Traditional ## [Butte College](https://www.butte.edu/ "Butte College") (Number, Credits) Title | Instructor | Semester --- | --- | --- (PHYS-21, 4) College Physics I | M. Panunto | Summer 2020 (PHYS-22, 4) College Physics II | P. McDougall | Summer 2020 ## [Bard College at Simon's Rock](https://simons-rock.edu/ "Bard College at Simon's Rock: the Early College") (Number, Credits) Title | Instructor | Semester --- | --- | --- (PHIL216, 0) Philosophy of Science | S. Ruhmkorff | Spring 2017 (MATH321, 4) Modern Algebra II | L. Lim | Spring 2017 (LR120M2, 1) Digital Privacy | K. McGuire | Spring 2017 (CMPT364, 4) Artificial Intelligence | A. Williams | Spring 2017 (CMPT353, 4) Combinatorial Algorithms | A. Williams | Spring 2017 (BAST405, 4) Senior Thesis II | A. Williams | Spring 2017 (MATH330, 4) Statistics I | W. Dunbar | Fall 2016 (MATH310, 4) Complex Analysis | W. Dunbar | Fall 2016 (MATH303B, 2) Computational Geometry | M. Krembs | Fall 2016 (CMPT324, 0) Chaos & Fractals | H. Hastings | Fall 2016 (BAST404, 4) Senior Thesis I | A. Williams | Fall 2016 (WKS400, 0) Senior Thesis Workshop | W. Dunbar | Summer 2016 (ECP711, 4) Dynamics of Neural Networks | H. Hastings | Summer 2016 (MATH364, 4) Ordinary Differential Equations | P. Dragon | Spring 2016 (MATH313, 4) Analysis II | L. Lim | Spring 2016 (ECON300TA, 0) Stochastic Processes | J. T. Young-Taft | Spring 2016 (CMPT360T, 4) Scientific Computing | H. Hastings | Spring 2016 (CMPT352, 4) Graph Theory & Combinatorics | A. Williams | Spring 2016 (MATH354, 4) Topology I | W. Dunbar | Fall 2015 (MATH312, 4) Analysis I | L. Lim | Fall 2015 (ECP711, 2) Programming iOS Apps | D. Leute | Fall 2015 (CMPT320, 4) The Theory of Computation | A. Williams | Fall 2015 (CMPT300T, 4) Combinatorial Generation | A. Williams | Fall 2015 (PHIL213, 3) Formal Logic | B. Conolly | Spring 2015 (MATH232, 3) Introduction to Number Theory | L. Lim | Spring 2015 (MATH221, 3) Vector Calculus | W. Dunbar | Spring 2015 (CMPT252, 3) Discrete Mathematics | A. Williams | Spring 2015 (CMPT243, 3) Algorithms and Data Structures | A. Williams | Spring 2015 (SS251, 4) Seminar III | J. T. Young-Taft | Fall 2014 (MATH220, 3) Linear Algebra | W. Dunbar | Fall 2014 (LATN204, 3) CP Intermediate Latin I: Roman Civilization and Vergil | C. Callanan | Fall 2014 (CMPT100, 3) Introduction to Computer Science | J. Liscombe | Fall 2014 (CHEM100+L, 4+0) Chemistry I+Lab | P. Dooley | Fall 2014 (SART103, 3) Drawing I | J. Fossum | Spring 2014 (MATH211, 3) Calculus II | C. Thatcher | Spring 2014 (LATN101, 4) Accelerated Beginning Latin II | C. Callanan | Spring 2014 (FS101, 4) Seminar II - Knowing: Revolution and Enlightenment | B. Conolly | Spring 2014 (ECON101, 3) Macroeconomics | M. Moeni Feizabadi | Spring 2014 (MATH210, 3) Calculus I | C. Thatcher | Fall 2013 (LIT264, 3) CP Nature & Literature | J. Hutchinson | Fall 2013 (LATN100, 4) Accelerated Beginning Latin I | C. Callanan | Fall 2013 (FS100+FL, 4) Seminar I - Origins: Self and Cosmos + Lab | W. Brown + B. Mikesell | Fall 2013 (WKS100, 0) Writing and Thinking Workshop | Y. Zhao | Summer 2013

To younger students, I recommend the following resources from Varsity Tutors.